Our Approach - AKO

In te ao Māori, the concept of ako recognises that everyone in a learning environment brings knowledge with them from which others can learn. It describes a teaching and learning relationship where the kaiako is both teaching the tamariki and learning from the tamariki. The result is a holistic, inclusive learning community where both kaiako and tamariki feel empowered to participate to their full potential. 

At Aratupu, our education practices are informed by the latest research. Every tamaiti is on their own pathway to growth and our kaiako focus on developing a natural curiosity and passion for discovery. Every day, Aratupu tamariki are encouraged to explore their unique passions and strengths through play and evidence-based education.   

This holistic approach supports each tamaiti to develop and grow at their own pace while sowing the seeds for lifelong learning.

Aratupu Curriculum - Pathway to growth

Educating individuals

Through exploratory play and individual tamaiti planning, Aratupu tamariki are empowered to learn and grow at their own pace. Every day, our kaiako make numbers and letters fun, encourage risks and creative problem solving, champion identity and culture (we want our tamariki to be proud of who they are), create opportunities for movement and independence, and provide support as our tamariki learn to express and manage their emotions.

Where learning happens

Aratupu tamariki are equipped with the knowledge, sense of identity, and interpersonal skills required to thrive in a school environment. Every tamaiti receives a foundation for lifelong learning during their time at Aratupu. Our building blocks are natural curiosity and a passion for discovery. To achieve this we have:

  • Small group sizes which enable shared learning experiences
  • Tamariki-led learning and individual tamaiti planning
  • Qualified kaiako equipped with the latest educational research
  • Tuakana-teina where older tamariki support and guide younger tamariki
  • A dedicated whānau support worker to support, empower and advocate for whānau

ERO report

We're proud to be recognised as a leading early childhood education centre. Our ERO report highlights include:

  • Aratupu promotes positive learning outcomes for tamariki.
  • Teachers demonstrate a strong commitment to the centre’s philosophy, vision, and values of a socially just and inclusive society – these values are highly evident in practice.
  • Aratupu staff develop supportive, ongoing partnerships with whānau.
  • Tamariki benefit from a richly bicultural curriculum and there is a strong focus on te ao Māori in the learning environment.
  • The centre places an emphasis on respect and caring for each other and the environment.
  • Tamariki under two years of age benefit from a calm, peaceful learning environment.
  • Aratupu tamariki with additional learning needs are well supported to learn and grow.
  • Aratupu draws on strong connections with a wide range of agencies to access additional assistance for children and their whānau.

Download our ERO Report

What parents say about us

"I've never been somewhere where I feel so comfortable. I enjoy being able to hang around and spend time with my kids, get help with the things I want to achieve and make new friends."

- Trace -

What parents say about us

"Aratupu is like my second home. I feel valued for being me; my children and I are not judged. We all feel safe here. My kids learn so much coming here. Everyone is so kind and caring."

- Tarsh -

What parents say about us

"The information she [whānau support worker] has access to and the ways in which she can provide support is just amazing. From help with appointments to food, or just anything."

- Sarah -

What parents say about us

"Teachers/Kaiako combine their big hearts with their knowledge and experience to provide a responsive environment where tamariki are empowered to grow and develop in their own way and at their own pace."

- Marcia -

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